If your controls get stuck somehow in the key configuration screen, you can press F1 to reset them to default. If you encounter any bugs, we would be glad if you reported them to our Discord too. Oh, and don’t go publishing it on the pirate bay or anything like that. Then drag it out of the steamapps/common folder. If you don’t want to use steam launcher, then just use steam to buy the game.
We appreciate your feedback and ideas, which you can discuss with us on the Discord. Just get it on steam, this was a demo for SAGE. The game is still being worked on and is in an early stage, so a lot of things might change. An extra challenge for beating all of the levels.Trying to make the most of it, Peppino decides to stay to play the available games anyway. Done with his shift, Peppino rocks his blue outfit in honor of the blue hedgehog and is ready to go to SAGE2019! Sadly, he misread the location of the event and ended up at the Snick Amateur Game Expo, hosted by the much less famous Snick the porcupine.